Its been cold, windy, and rainy the past few days but the water temperature is still high in most RI lakes. For me warm murky water and a light drizzle is a good time for topwater. Bass get active, but their vision is limited by the muddy water. Something that stirs up the water a bit, has vibration and makes a bit of noise is a nice choice. The past few days the buzz bait has been money. Ive been using Booyah chart/white with a clacker and its been getting hammered tight to the bank (2 feet of water). Threw a frog for a bit and caught a small one (2 pounds). Also grabbed another 2 pounder on a double fluke. However the buzzbait has triggered strike after strike for the 3-5 pounders. Four on Saturday and three on Sunday, plus a few that I missed. I will have to make another trip to BPS this week to pick up some more buzz baits because the ones I used this weekend got mangled.

Posted Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:39 pm

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