I am a NJ bassaholic and have been for the past 15 years and so is my son. We have been fishing Long Beach Island - North End religiously. Buddy of my got me and my to go to Charlestown, RI last fall for a week. Firts three days were terrible, the last three days were unbelievable. My son liked RI so much he decided to attend NEIT in Warwick for marine repair this fall. He states school in ealy October. We will be up in Warwick next weekend and the following weekend getting him settled in his apartment and of course fishing. I have seen some report about albies and some blues being around down in the Charlestown area, but not much news about Jamestown (I hoping that the state park at the end of Jamestown is a good spot in the fall. Sure looked like it has potential when wwe visitted in August). If anyone can provide us with input (not burning spots) it would be greatly appreciated. I certaintly will post our results for the last two weekends in september. If anyone wnats any info on fishing in NJ let me know.

Posted Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:28 pm

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